Saturday, February 26, 2011

indian delicacy Dahi Puri

I've discovered a delicacy which is very popular to the indians.Not red indian but indian from India. I always noticed they love to buy this food whenever I am at a food court. So one day, feeling very hungry and dunno what to eat and went n try this food. it is called Dahi Puri. It looks so mess up. lolz. I have to slowly eating it to make my tastebud adjust to the taste. It is made up of 6 round biscuit that they make a hole in the middle, stuff a cold dish like potato salad n some dahl, green chilli and then they poured yougurt on top of it ..lots of yougurt then they pour a syrup, chilli sauce...n scattered it something that i dunno what it is...Overall, u can taste, sweet,sour,hot & crispy all into one dish. lolz.....after a while, u will become a fan of it..coz now i hv become 1...lolz...

yum yum...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

seems not to be the most delicious dish in the world, however i've tried a brazilian meal which consists of fried banana (yes FRIED) WITH RICE, CHOCOLATE AND BEANS! and it was delicious. So one day i'll try the too! cheers!

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