Thursday, July 30, 2009

together we stand..

I never imagined my life will be like this.
Someone who never even go to JB, after marriage
Staying apart from families & friends are tough.
Though, we are into our 7 yrs staying here,
theres time i still missed my hometown.
And for the 1st time, I ddnt go home
for summer vacations.

And when I heard father is admitted again
and mum had her eyes operated.
I feel sad.
I cannot be there.
Circumstances just cldnt allowed it.
I am, afterall, 8 months pregnant.
The best part, my 3rd sister called the other
day just to say she misses us.
I was touched. And I know she is lonely coz

she has just lost her husband 4 months ago,
due to heart attack while sleeping.
May he rest in peace.

She told me she wont be celebrating raya this yr
coz she is still mourning for her lost.
I can hear the choke in her voice.
Suddenly, my sister who is always the tough
one, is opening up.

I am really sad for her but I hope & pray that
she will go thru this and I believed ALLAH
has plan for her.
The best part, my PIL is coming and
will be here till raya.
Atleast, we hv them here with us celebrating
Eid Mubarak.
I can foresee, atleast there will be merry and
delicious food & such.
And to add icing on the cake, we will hv
a new bundle of joy to celebrate with us too. InsyaALLAH.

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