Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Another year for me, alhamdullilah

Happy birthday to me! This is my 2nd year I am here in dubai and get to celebrate my birthday
with husband & kids.
Normally, during summer, I will be in spore with my kids while husband stay in dubai.
No fancy celebrations. No fancy gifts. YET. lol

As you grow older, your expectations changed.
I want my childrens to remember their childhood fondly.
I want thru my nurturing & upbringing, they become
a better person than I am.
I want them to live in a happy & healthy environment.
ANd in order to achieve that,
Firstly, I have to be a better muslim,
a better wife and a better mummy.
And to build this family with love & respect.
I am thankful that I have met my husband when
I almost give up on love 7 yrs ago.
I am thankful that ALLAH gave us the most beautiful
childrens to us.
I am thankful that my parents are still alive to see me
grow older each year and wiser. ( i hope! hehe)
and they get to see their grandchildrens.
My life so far has been blessed.
I am grateful & thankful.

1 comment:

anne said...

Happy Birthday Kak Julie...nice bag