Monday, December 22, 2008

Birthday party

These was the 2nd time we attend haqeem's Grade 1 friends birthday.

We are the only non-arab there and i was surprised that I ddnt feel awkward anymore compared to the last time. We noticed that haqeem dont hv many friends or close friend in Grade 1 compared to when he was in KG2 where all his friends adores him and called him baby. He only played with 3 boys from his class. hmmp..

They held the birthday party at the school gymnasiums with a great show for our entertainment.

So, we sat through the party and watch the show of a few gymnastic act. I could see haqeem was not interested at all to watch the show, coz he was running around with his friends until one part where the gymnast starts to jump on the trampoline. heh.

PS: dunno why i cant upload the rest of the pictures. chet.

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