Thursday, January 29, 2009

maya M.

Since my life is so mundane nowadays, i like to share this with you.

Today, as usual, maya the *home-wrecker* managed to mess up the house in nano seconds. Then she found some albums & lose pictures in one of the drawers. Of course, without delay, she startes to look at those pictures and when she saw a picture of her daddy, she goes like this,

Maya Mentel : *ahhhh, my babahhhh...awwww....maaammmiii,, bbbaahhh picture with mayaaa...*

Mummy : where?

Maya Mentel : look, picture with babahhhh....(gazing lovingly at the picture)...and plant a soft kiss on the picture....

Mummy : come & show me..

Maya M : I love babahhhh ..mammyy.......lookkkk...and then she saw one picture of abang's birthday party..and then ,

Maya M : look haqeeemm sala halwa yah haqeemm....y maya no sala halwa mummy...n with a sad face..(translate : why maya dont hv birthday party before)

Mummy : Noo..maya also have sala halwa ...come i show u the pictures..(so mummy turn on the pc and searched for maya's birthday picture.)..hmm..dah pandai compare lak budak nie..

Maya M : I want susssuuuuuuu ......!!

Mummy : ok i will make u susu if u keep all the pictures back inside the drawer....

Maya M : but mummy, maya hand tiredddd....n i want to drink susu...............

Mummy : anak bertuah betul!!

So, at the end of it, I HAVE TO CLEAN THE HOUSE..but luckily haqeem came back frm playing and he has to clean up. lol. jahat kan aku... Anyway, eversince I have a talk with haqeem about why he has to help me, nowadays, he will do the job w/o much resentment. Now he knows that he has to help mummy coz mummy has a lot of stuffs to do. hehe.

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