Sunday, December 7, 2008

silver shoes

Why the ho-ha abt faatin's shoes & it is not even branded one.
Well, it is afterall faatin's first shoe. lol. I never buy any shoes for faatin compared to when I was pregnant with maya. That is why THIS IS A BIG DEAL. heh. And I thought that *anak bongsu* will be pampered but I was wrong. We seldom buy faatin anything. Normally, the elder siblings who got new clothes, new toys..but not bb faatin. hurhur..And unlike maya, faatin didnt get any gifts from us. Kesian anak mummy.
Anyhow, of coz maya get her shoes too..


mrs malique said...

Gorgeous shoes babe!!!
As for Faatin..its never too early to start buying shoes for her..haha

junesky said...

exactly!! aku suka NEW LOOK lawa2 n for maya..i got my inspirasi bila tgk Suri Cruise pakai kasut mcm aku pun grab lah..ok gak ...